
Sound Beginnings
(for children age 0-4 and a parent or caregiver)

What is Sound Beginnings?sb_logo_tagline_sm.gif

Sound Beginnings is a class for children age 0-4 and a loving caregiver. (If you have a baby or toddler age 0-18 months, you might be interested in the Sound Beginnings Mini Musicians class!) Classes include playing instruments, telling stories, singing, ear training, nursery rhymes, moving, and so much more! Sound Beginnings helps prepare your child for future music classes, preschool, and beyond. You are your child's best teacher! In class you will learn to use music to help your child develop preschool skills in a fun and nurturing environment. The best part? Sound Beginnings doesn't end when class is over because your class includes the music, an instrument, and a workbook that let you take the fun home with you! Children are ready to learn as soon as they are born. It's never too early to start!

The Music Window

"Sound Beginnings provides research-based music experiences proven to create connections in the brain that will make children more intelligent! Like the language learning window, the music learning window is from birth-9 years old. A young child's brain, eyes, ears, arms and legs are ready to experience music! This means that the earlier a child is exposed to music, the more fully they will comprehend it, and the easier it will be for them. Students who have attended Sound Beginnings graduate to Let's Play Music singing in tune, understanding the difference between beat and rhythm, loving classical music, knowing colors, numbers, and having an enthusiasm for music!" https://www.letsplaymusicsite.com/sound-beginnings/philosophy/music-window


Sound Beginnings offers six non-sequential semesters. Each semester is 4 months long and focuses on different musical concepts and skills through different songs and games.

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stars/outer space

telling time

zoo animals


farm animals


body parts

days of the week

semester instrument: 
semester instrument:
finger cymbals
semester instrument:
rhythm sticks
semester instrument:
semester instrument:
wrist bells
semester instrument:
fall 2023 spring 2024
fall 2024
spring 2025
fall 2025
spring 2026



M.gif Current class: Brown Teddy Bears (August-December) 
M.gif Next class: Pink Piggies (January-May)

7 Foundational Elements

Sound beginnings provides research-based elements that stimulate growth in areas particularly crucial to the development of the young child. These elements make up the foundation of the Sound Beginnings curriculum:

fe-bonding-sm.jpg This class is for children and their 'grown up' to enjoy together. We will focus on building and strengthening these relationships while in class. We provide partner activities with intentional eye contact, trust elements, and physical touch to nurture this highly significant relationship.
fe-pitch-sm.jpg We are surrounded by correct singing on the semester CDs and in class. Students are encouraged to participate in appealing vocal play, make high and low sounds and use the minor third to learn to match and sing in tune.
fe-rhythm-sm.jpg We use our bodies and instruments to feel and perform a steady beat. Steady beat is crucial to developing rhythm skills and supports math skills.
fe-fine motor-sm.jpg Fingerplay to nursery rhymes help students focus on and enjoy fine motor movements. We also practice making the ABCs in sign language. Younger students enjoy the observation and will attempt the skills which is great practice too!
fe-classical-sm.jpg We expose students to the finest music literature. Our 'smart moves' dances involve the whole body in an enjoyable classical music experience. Each semester, we study the specific timber of different instruments and group them by family.
fe-gross motor-sm.jpg Full body movement builds muscle strength, hand/eye coordination, and develops balance. Gross motor also connects the two hemispheres of the brain, promoting improved cognition.
fe-literacy-sm.jpg In class we read stories, practice our ABC's and letter sounds. We are also going to learn about weather, seasons, and words that rhyme!

brown_teddy_bears_materials_tote.jpgWhen are classes?

Sound Beginnings classes begin with a new semester in August and January, although you may join a class at any time. Click here to see the schedule for when Sound Beginnings will be taught. 

How much is it?

What's included in the cost of Sound Beginnings? Click here to see!

My Child is 4 years old.

Is it better to do Sound Beginnings or Let's Play MusicRead this to help you decide.

Ready to start?

Register for class: enroll_now.gif

Want a free sample class first?

Sign up for a sample class: free_preview.gif

sb_logo_oval.gifWant to try a 3-session sample class for just $25/family (or just $15 if your friend signs up too)?

And I made a fun animated "commercial" for this class...

Check it out right here! down_curved_arrow.gif