My child wants to play a different instrument, NOT the piano. Why should I take Let's Play Music classes?Let's Play Music is not just piano lessons, it's a TOTAL MUSICIANSHIP curriculum. LPM uses the piano keyboard to teach musical concepts. Because the piano keyboard relates so directly with the staff, it is a great place to form strong connections between what a child hears and what they see when they look at a staff. Most instruments don't have this incredible feature.
During the 1st Year only the teacher will use the piano to demonstrate some musical concepts. The students will get to mainly play the tone bells and autoharp. Then in 2nd and 3rd Years, the students will all have their very own keyboards to use in class! The first thing the students learn is to play the chords they learned from the autoharp. By singing the melody and accompanying themselves, they get to learn so many musical skills all at once!