How is Sound Beginnings different than Kindermusik?
First, let me be clear. I used to teach Kindermusik and LOVED it! Kindermusik is similar to Sound Beginnings and many of our basic philosophies are the same: play-based learning, folk songs and games, activities bond parent to child, activities designed to boost school readiness and tap into many different learning styles.
However, we are different in several ways. First, Sound Beginnings lesson plans target specific academic concepts and skills each semester such as telling time, counting, the alphabet, colors, name recognition, etc. SB classes in general, are a bit faster paced than KM, covering 13-15 varied activities per 30 min. class period. The SB workbook is unique, in that it includes "smart charts" used throughout each class to engage students and teach concepts. Students can color and cut out the puppets in each workbook and use those in class as well. The culmination of each semester of Sound Beginnings is "Instrument Day," a class in which children can experience performing in front of a group and hearing real instruments played that they have studied throughout the semester.
In addition, Sound Beginnings prepares students for the Let's Play Music program by exposing children early to solfege syllables and hand signs, audiation, concepts about the staff, rhythm and pitch matching, the major scale, and classical form.
Here's a great overviewof what we learn in the Sound Beginnings curriculum!
I believe any musical exposure is beneficial for young children, but I firmly feel that Sound Beginnings is the total package! (That's why I switched from teaching Kindermusik to teaching Sound Beginnings!)