

Thank you for attending a Sound Beginnings preview class that gave you a sneak peek into all six semesters of Sound Beginnings! Each semester explores all the elements of music: rhythm, pitch, harmony, form, dynamics and tone color, while teaching preschool skills and concepts. Students are encouraged to sing, play simple percussion instruments, listen, and move to classical music while learning concepts about print, numeracy, and other kindergarten concepts.

Attending Sound Beginnings with your young child will strengthen your relationship, develop the musician within, and prepare your child for success in kindergarten. That is truly a Sound Beginning!

So, what exactly did we learn today?

Gathering Time
Time for baby to adjust, baby prop exploration, adult interaction 

Everybody Say Hello

Keeping the beat, gross motor skills, in-tune singing, building routine

ABC Song

Learning the alphabet, baby exercises, muscle development, feeling the beat

Four Seasons

Learning seasons, intentional touch (massage), parent-child bonding

Rhythmic Transition

Keeping a steady beat, preparation for subdivision

Cobbler, Cobbler

SOL MI, in-tune singing, keeping the beat

Major Scale

Major scale, relative pitch, solfege, hand signs, low-to-high, colors and letters

Echo Edie

Vocal play, facial awareness, developing head voice, parent-child bonding

1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Counting, vocal play, fine motor skills

My Aunt Came Back

Listening, exposure to books, call and response

A Rum Sum Sum

Feeling the beat, playing a simple percussion instrument

Jupiter Dance

Classical form, listening, imaginative play

My Paddle/Silver Birch

Feeling the beat, playing a simple percussion instrument

Old Joe Clark

Gross motor skills, group bonding

You Are My Sunshine

Parent-child bonding

Everybody Say Goodbye

Feeling the beat, building routine

Wow! All that in just half an hour? Imagine what a 15-week class will do for you and your child!

Plato once said, “….music is a more potent instrument than any other for education…” Research has since proven that music trains the brain for higher forms of thinking. One study showed that after eight months of musical training, 3-year-olds were expert puzzle masters, scoring 80% higher than their playmates in spatial intelligence – the ability to visualize the world accurately. This skill later translates into mathematical conceptual and engineering skills!

Music makes smarter kids!

The 7 Foundational Elements of Sound Beginnings:

 Bethany Harris - Certified Let’s Play Music & Sound Beginnings Teacher
bethany@musikandme.com ♫ www.musikandme.com ♫ 435.770.7128