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Bridge #28

Tuesday, March 4, 2025 | Bridge Lessons

Hello Bridge Families!

Here is some of what we did in class this week:

  • We reviewed the different sounds of intervals and how to recognize them easily.

  • We practiced drawing ⅛ notes and ⅛ rests  

  • We reviewed sharps & flats order
    • Sharps: Father Charles Goes Down And Ends Battle
    • Flats: Battle Ends And Down Goes Charles' Father

  • We learned how to easily figure out what Major key we are in based on the number of flats we see in the key signature.
    • Look at the second-to-the-last flat in the key signature... THAT is what the Major key is!
      • Example: if there are 5 flats, they are B♭, E♭, A♭, D♭, and G♭. The second-to-last flat is D♭... so that's what key you are in if there are 5 flats!
      • The trick doesn't work when there is only one flat, but that's okay because that one is soooo easy! The key of F was the second major key we ever learned. Remember our magic keys song? ♫ "Here's the key of F, it's a lovely key, it has one flat and that's a B."

  • We sang and played a round with "Hey Ho, Nobody Home". The kids wanted to record I put it on YouTube as a private video. I'll email the link.
  • This month is SPIRIT MONTH! The kids each brought home a BINGO sheet that they can fill in to earn tickets for the drawing at the end of the month. The squares can be substituted as necessary. For example, instead of registering for a class next year (since this is basically the last age group I teach), you can watch the video I made in class and then text me what you thought of it. I'll give 3 tickets for that!

This week your child will do the red and purple highlighted assignments at home! Parents need to initial completed assignments this week in order for the kids to get their reward in class!

Be sure your child is practicing their recital piece (primary song) every time they practice. They don't need to play the entire song, but they need to try to make a small section of it perfect. Use those sticker charts I gave you!

Don't forget to please help your child pass off their songs and scales to earn pins! You just need to send me a video of them playing. The scales can be played with or without the back track, but they need to be perfect at least one time with both hands.

Please let me know if you have any questions!

Have a musical day!                                      
-Ms. Bethany :)
