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Bridge #24A

Thursday, January 9, 2025 | Bridge Lessons

Hello Bridge Families!

Here is what we did in class this week:
  • We reviewed the "new yellow" chord (V7)
  • TI-RE-SOL changes to TI-FA-SOL
  • In the key of C Major, the notes are B-F-G

  • We practiced listening to the difference between the I, IV, V, and V7 chords (red, blue, yellow, and new yellow)
  • We learned about the 3/8 and 6/8 time signatures
    • The "8" on the bottom means that an eighth note gets one count (if it's a "4" then a quarter note gets one count)
    • 3/8 sounds like "blue-ber-ry"
      • Emphasis is placed on the first beat
    • 6/8 sounds like "blue-ber-ry bub-ble gum"
      • Emphasis is placed on the first beat and a little less on the fourth beat
    • Each of these rows has 6 beats in it when we're in 6/8 time signature:
  • We count to 6 in 6/8 time signature, like in Medieval Journey, which you can listen to here.
  • Counting feels like this:  2  3   5  6

This week your child will do the red and purple highlighted assignments at home! Parents need to initial completed assignments this week in order for the kids to get their reward in class!

I have added additional flashcards to my Quizlet collection. You can access those on my website, or through Quizlet.com. I have also added a few sets to the "Repertoire" section of the Student Portal. Please let me know if you are using these resources and I will continue adding to it! Also let me know if you can't get them to work! (Sometimes things work fine for me as the teacher, but not so well for the students and I have no way of knowing if nobody tells me they aren't working!)

Don't forget to please help your child pass off their songs and scales to earn pins! You just need to send me a video of them playing. The scales can be played with or without the back track, but they need to be perfect at least one time with both hands.

I'm getting a lot more pass-off lately! Keep it up!

Please let me know if you have any questions!

Have a musical day!                                  
-Ms. Bethany :)
