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Pink Piggies #9

Wednesday, March 5, 2025 | Pink Piggies Lessons

Lesson #9

Sound Beginnings curriculum incorporates activities based on seven elements considered crucial to the development of the young child: Literacy and Kindergarten Skills, Rhythm and Beat, Vocal and Pitch Development, Fine Motor Skills, Gross Motor Skills, Classical Music Experience and Parent Bonding. Together these elements provide a rich foundation for further music study, school, and life.

Next week we'll sing these songs in class:

  • Let's Count Our Money
  • DO Pentatonic Scale
  • Hey! Hey! Look At Me!
  • In My Class I Have Some Bells
  • Take Me Out to the Ballgame
  • The Happy Farmer
  • My Little Rooster
  • Zoodeo
  • Ten Little Pennies
  • Count Your Blessings

Let me know if you need any substitutions for any of the squares. The BINGO card is in the Student Portal, if you lose yours and need to make a copy! As a reminder, some of the drawing prizes are some instruments and an MP3 player that you can put your class music on!

Show everyone in your neighborhood how you feel about Sound Beginnings! Host a yard sign to easily earn tickets to the Spirit Week drawing!

One of the items on the BINGO card is to leave a Google review. I'm striving for a 5 star rating. If you don't plan to give me 5 stars, please talk to me BEFORE you post a review so I can address any issues you may have. Unfortunately, negative feedback has much more impact than positive feedback does, so please give me the chance to earn 5 stars if I'm not already there. Thanks! Here is the link to post a review on Google: https://g.page/musikandmebethany/review?gm

Registration is now open for current students! Please go to https://www.musikandme.com/Registration for instructions of how to enroll your student for a summer class or White Horses in the fall. There is a $20 registration fee, but you won't need to pay it if you register by March 28th! (You can earn 20 extra tickets by registering by March 15th!)

Tuition is due this week if you are making payments. Thank you!

Consonants in the English language are either ‘voiced’ or ‘unvoiced’. Both types use the breath, lips, teeth, and upper palate when producing sound, but unvoiced consonants require no vibration in the vocal cords. An easy way to determine whether a consonant is voiced or not is to place a finger on your throat. As you pronounce a letter, feel the vibration of your vocal cords. If you feel a vibration the consonant is a voiced one.

Optional home fun activity: Make the My Little Rooster puppets on page 29 of your workbook
(Remember, these activities are optional but can be a great bonding experience to do with your child during the week.)  

Sign language is so fun! Here are the signs for the animals in My Little Rooster!

Sound Beginnings is education through musical play! It prepares children for success in Kindergarten and Let’s Play Music. Sound beginnings provides research-based elements that stimulate growth in the areas particularly crucial to the development of the young child. These elements make up the foundation of the Sound Beginnings curriculum.  Here is just one:
Sound Beginnings channels the young voice into beautiful, in-tune singing by providing proper vocal modeling in the correct range. Solfege hand signs teach pitch relationships; the minor 3rd (SOL-MI) pattern is used to develop in-tune singing and pitch matching.

Have a musical day!          
-Ms. Bethany :)email_signature.gif