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Purple Magic #3

Tuesday, September 10, 2024 | Purple Magic Lessons


Lesson #3

By the time the children are in 3rd year, they begin to pick up on different skills at different times. You can help your child the most by practicing the skills they are less sure on FIRST, then have them end with those things they are more confident in.

The parent note in the homework book will remind you to add the flat, sharp and natural signs to your flashcards. While you are at it, be sure to ask your child to show you a flat, sharp or natural with their bodies and voices! (Ask them to tell you the bicycle story too!)

For our theory homework this week, this activity will be much more beneficial by color coding (use any colors you wish), rather than drawing lines from the notes to the keys:   Celebrate Connection

  • Stand on one foot while your parent plays a song, then switch!
  • Play "air piano" style by playing on the piano cover or with the keyboard off.

Flat, Sharp and Natural Game
We won't just learn the names of these terms and how they work, we use our bodies and our voices to truly internalize and understand how each of these terms can affect any of our regular music alphabet white keys.
Our Bugs Are So Fun
Your student is now ready to recognize rhythm notation using 'real' note names and counting terms. This song will help keep that fun! Reading the lyrics while listening can help them learn the words faster!

Get inspired from one of the very first Let's Play Music graduates! She graduated from her 3rd year of Let's Play Music back in 2001 , and look at her 12 years later!

Here is a link to all the skills videos as well as the link to be able to purchase a class video to make up for a missed class. (tap or scan)

Have a musical day!
-Ms. Bethany :)email_signature-1.png