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Teddy Bears
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Brown Teddy Bears #15

Wednesday, December 18, 2024 | Brown Teddy Bears Lessons

Lesson #15

What a wonderful semester of playing and learning together! Sharing instruments was a great way to end our semester.

I would love to see you all back for next semester--Pink Piggies! Thank you for the opportunity to teach your children.

There are so many reasons why learning music in a group is beneficial! Children are much more likely to enjoy the setting when there are other children around. The synergy of a Sound Beginnings class naturally encourages children to participate and to excel. A large group allows for exploration in ways a private setting does not; through group games, dances and parachute activities. Sound Beginnings also provides a wonderful opportunity for parents and children to bond as they learn, sing, and play together each week.  

Optional home fun activity: No activity this week. You can always complete any you may have missed during this semester!   
(Remember, these activities are optional but can be a great bonding experience to do with your child during the week.)  

Want to have another teddy bear picnic at home? Check out this video of John Bratton's 2-step, which is our "Teddy Bear Picnic" song before words were put to it.

Have a musical day! 
-Ms. Bethany :)email_signature.gif