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Brown Teddy Bears #14

Wednesday, December 11, 2024 | Brown Teddy Bears Lessons

Lesson #14

Next week is Instrument Day! Please let me know what you will be sharing with the class. It's more fun when everyone participates! 

We'll have some fun stations set up to experience together after we share instruments!

Infant's hearing is fully developed at birth and preschoolers have the ability to separate and distinguish sounds from multiple sources. At this age, the portion of the brain dedicated to sound is ripe for input, so listening to quality music and individual instruments exposes the child to sounds, pitches, and timbres that build a library of musical sound and develop music listening skills.

Instrument Day helps students gain confidence as a musician as they share in class. Even those who don't share in class gain listening skills, exposure to live instruments, and learn how to be a good audience member.

Scarves are wonderful tools for imaginative play and help children express their creativity!

Optional home fun activity: Do the Instrument Day activity on page 18 in your workbook
(Remember, these activities are optional but can be a great bonding experience to do with your child during the week.)  

Does an instrument need to be really fancy to make awesome music? Nope! Check out this video of "Flight of the Bumblebee" played on a toy piano!

Sound Beginnings is education through musical play! It prepares children for success in Kindergarten and Let’s Play Music. Sound beginnings provides research-based elements that stimulate growth in the areas particularly crucial to the development of the young child. These elements make up the foundation of the Sound Beginnings curriculum. Here is just one:
Research has shown that singing improves reading. Our classes prepare children for kindergarten by exploring concepts and skills such as name recognition, alphabet and phonetic awareness, counting, identifying colors, rhyming, telling time, and sequencing.

Have a musical day!  
-Ms. Bethany :)email_signature.gif